Healthy Summer Meal Plan 1
Meal Plans

Healthy Summer Meal Plan 1

Ever since I had my second baby, Sofia, life became much more busy and all things led to having more structure and organization in my life! I began spending each Sunday evening on Cookidooยฎ using the weekly meal planning tool to plan out healthy meals for my family for the upcoming week {I have a YouTube video on how to do that here, if you are interested}.

Once I have my meals planned out, I spend a few hours on Monday mornings preparing my meals the best that I can. I do the chopping and cooking of any foods that will last in the fridge for a few days or longer, so that during the week all I have to do is grab the ingredients out of the fridge, put them together and heat up!

I have noticed a huge improvement in our schedule and have created much more time for other activities, which made me want to share my meal planning and meal prep method with you!

Here is my first meal plan video and downloadable guide for summer, Healthy Summer Meal Plan 1. I would love some feedback, and let me know what else you would like to see!

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